Here you can find images, videos and resources related to breakups written by broken heart people like you and me. Most videos have been posted here because the lyrics are related to the kind of situations we pass through when our heart is broken up. Besides you can find valuable help to start feeling better or to get your beloved one back in your life...
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What to do when the one who broke your heart is the only one who can mend it:
Do you want to know How to become the happy wife of your "Mr. Right"?
Get even the most difficult to settle down person asking you to get married:
Contributions from our visitors
We are receiving lately very wise sayings from our visitors. In this section we'll be glad to include your contributions.
Your sadness by itself won’t give that person back in your life. You’d better try to recover your state of mind from down to an alert mood in order to don’t miss your next chance to get love back.
Danae Davenport from Cebu Philipines.
No one takes their ex back out of pity. Don't beg, cry or plead to your ex to come back. You will lose their respect. If there was any chance to get them back, you will lose it by doing such things. Keep your feelings back, and act as if nothing has happened. If he/she would anyway come back, they should take the first step.
Vero Rosas, Córdoba Argentina.
I prefer we have a good break up than a bad settlement with you.
Joshua K., Bangalore, India
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